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User Profiles and Permissions

There are 3 types of user profiles that will give different permissions and access to Zeenea Data Catalog: Administration, Zeenea Studio and Zeenea Explorer.

  • Super Admin: this profile has access to all the features of the Zeenea administration space as well as those of the two applications Studio and Explorer. See As a Super Admin.
  • Data Steward: This profile has access to the editing features of the Zeenea Studio documentation and the features of Zeenea Explorer. It cannot access the catalog design functions. See As a Data Steward.
  • Explorer: this profile has access to all the features of Zeenea Explorer. It has access to the entire catalog in read-only mode. See As a Data Explorer.

To set up these profiles for your users, note that you will need a Super Administrator profile to access the Administration interface.

AdministrationCatalog DesignDocumentation EditionZeenea Explorer
Super Admin
Data Steward


The email address of a user or a contact cannot be modified after its creation, this address being used as login, it will be locked.