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GraphQL API v2 - Limitations

Here is a list of all the services and which are implemented in the preview


Operation nameAvailabilityDescriptionComment
itemOkQuery one item from the catalog, using a unique reference
itemBynameOkQuery one item from the catalog, using its name and type
itemsOkQuery a list of items of a given type from the catalogLimitations:
Filters using "connections" or date type properties are not available yet.
nodeOkDirect query to a Node (to follow Relay conventions)
createContactOkCreate a contact
createItemOkCreate an item (all types EXCEPT contacts)
deleteContactOkDelete a contact
deleteItemOkDelete an item (all types EXCEPT contacts)Deleting Fields is limited to orphans.
updateContactOkUpdate a single contact
updateItemOkUpdate a single item (all types EXCEPT contacts)


Item typeValueReadWrite
Data processdata-processOkOk
Custom Item TypeCode of the custom item as defined in Zeenea metamodelOkOk
Glossary Item TypeCode of the glossary item as defined in Zeenea metamodelOkOk


AttributeAvailable onItem type(s)ReadWriteDescriptionComment
idStringAny typeOkN/AZeenea internal identifier of the Item
keyStringAny typeOkOkForgeable unique identifier of the Itemkey = email for contacts
nameStringAny typeOkOkName of the Item in ZeeneaConcatenation of firstName and lastName for contacts
descriptionStringAny typeOkOkDescription of the Item in Zeenea
lastCatalogMetadataUpdateDateAny typeOkN/ADate of the last modification in Zeenea
typeStringAny typeOkN/AItem type value as defined above
completionNumberAny typeOkN/ACompletion rate of the documentation of the ItemNot implemented for contacts and data sources


PropertyAvailable onItem type(s)ReadWriteDescription
sourceNameStringDataset, Field, Visualization, Data ProcessOkN/AName of the item in the source system
sourceDescriptionStringDataset, Field, Visualization, Data ProcessOkN/ADescription of the item in the source system
lastSourceMetadataUpdateDateDataset, Field, Visualization, Data ProcessOkN/ALest time there was a change in the item metadata in the source system
orphanBooleanDataset, Field, VisualizationOkN/AItem is missing from the last inventory
deletionDateDateDataset, Field, Visualization, Data ProcessOkN/AThe date at which the item has been deleted in the source system
importDateDateDataset, Field, Visualization, Data ProcessOkN/AThe date at which the item has been imported into the catalog
fieldTypeStringFieldOkN/AThe normalized type of the field
fieldNativeTypeStringFieldOkN/AThe native type of the field as defined in the source system
canBeNullBooleanFieldOkN/AWhether the field is nullable
multivaluedBooleanFieldOkN/AWhether the field is supports multiple values
primaryKeyBooleanFieldOkN/AWhether the field is a primary key
foreignKeyBooleanFieldOkN/AWhether the field is a foreign key
businessKeyBooleanFieldOkOkWhether the field is a business key
dataProfileEnabledBooleanFieldOkOkWhether the data profile on the field is enabled
dataProfilePublishedBooleanFieldOkOkWhether the data profile on the field is published
alternativeNames[String]All glossary typesOkOkList of alternatives names
emailStringContactOkOkEmail of the contact
firstNameStringContactOkOkFirst name of the contact
lastNameStringContactOkOkLast name of the contact
phoneStringContactOkOkPhone number of the contact


Source typeTarget type(s)Connection nameReadWriteDescription
datasetfieldfieldsOkN/AFields of a dataset
datasetdatasetrelationsOkOkDatasets linked through a foreign key
datasetdata-processingestersOkOkAll the data processes that have the dataset as input
datasetdata-processproducersOkOkAll the data processes that have the dataset as output
datasetvisualizationvisualizationOkOkFor the datasets that are embedded in a visualization, the visualization
datasetCustom item typeCode of the custom item typeOkOkCustom items of a given type linked to the dataset
datasetcategorycategoryOkOk(DEPRECATED) Category of the dataset
datasetcontactcuratorsOkOkCurators of the dataset
datasetcontactResponsibility nameOkOkContacts that have the given responsibility on the dataset
datasetdatasourcedatasourceOkN/AThe datasource of the dataset
datasetAll glossary item typesdefinitionsOkOkAll the glossary items linked to the dataset (can contain various types)
fielddatasetdatasetOkN/AThe dataset the field belongs to
fieldCustom item typeCode of the custom item typeOkOkCustom items of a given type linked to the field
fieldAll glossary item typesdefinitionsOkOkAll the glossary items linked to the field (can contain various types)
fieldcontactcuratorsOkOkCurators of the field
fieldcontactResponsibility nameOkOkContacts that have the given responsibility on the field
data-processdataset or Custom item typeinputsOkOkInputs of the data process
data-processdataset or Custom item typeoutputsOkOkOutputs of the data process
data-processCustom item typeCode of the custom item typeOkOkCustom items of a given type linked to the data process
data-processcontactcuratorsOkOkCurators of the data process
data-processcontactResponsibility nameOkOkContacts that have the given responsibility on the data process
data-processdatasourcedatasourceOkN/AThe datasource of the data process (if teh data process has been harvested)
data-processAll glossary item typesdefinitionsOkOkAll the glossary items linked to the data process (can contain various types)
visualizationCustom item typeCode of the custom item typeOkOkCustom items of a given type linked to the data process
visualizationdatasetdatasetsOkOkDatasets embedded in the visualization
visualizationcontactcuratorsOkOkCurators of the data process
visualizationcontactResponsibility nameOkOkContacts that have the given responsibility on the visualization
visualizationdatasourcedatasourceOkN/AThe datasource of the visualization
visualizationAll glossary item typesdefinitionsOkOkAll the glossary items linked to the visualization (can contain various types)
Custom item typeAny typemembersOkOkAll the other items that are linked to this custom item
Custom item typedata-processingestersOkOkAll the data processes that have the custom item as input
Custom item typedata-processproducersOkOkAll the data processes that have the custom item as output
Custom item typecontactcuratorsOkOkCurators of the custom item
Custom item typecontactResponsibility nameOkOkContacts that have the given responsibility on the custom item
Custom item typeAll glossary item typedefinitionsOkOkAll the glossary items linked to the custom item (can contain various types)
Glossary item typeAny typeimplementationsOkOkAll the other items that are linked to the glossary item
Glossary item typeAll glossary item typeparentsOkOkParents of the glossary item in the glossary
Glossary item typeAll glossary item typechildrenOkOkChildren of the glossary item in the glossary
Glossary item typeAny typeimplementationsOkOkAll the other items that are linked to the glossary item
Glossary item typecontactcuratorsOkOkCurators of the glossary item
Glossary item typecontactResponsibility nameOkOkContacts that have the given responsibility on the glossary item
contactAny typecuratorOkOkAll the items the contact is curator of (various types)
contactAny typeResponsibility nameOkOkAll the items on which the contact has the given responsibility(various types)
datasourcedataset, field, visualization, data-processimportsOkN/AAll the items that have been imported from the source
categorydatasetmembersOkOk[DEPRECATED] Datasets of the category
categorycontactcuratorsOkOk[DEPRECATED] Curators of the custom item
categorycontactResponsibility nameOkOk[DEPRECATED] Contacts that have the given responsibility on the custom item
categoryAll glossary item typedefinitionsOkOk[DEPRECATED] All the glossary items linked to the category (can contain various types)


Property typeReadWriteDescription
Template propertyOkOkAll properties associated to the template of an Item type in the Studio
Source propertyOkN/AAll properties harvested from a connector