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What is Silwood Safyr?


Safyr is a third-party component used to retrieve metadata from certain platforms such as SAP and Salesforce.

Safyr must be purchased separately from your Zeenea license.

Please contact our sales team if you need more information.


As Safyr can only be executed on Windows PC and Zeenea Scanner is commonly installed on Linux instances, the files generated by Safyr must be to a location that the Scanner can access.

The alternative is to consider hosting a Scanner on the same Windows instance as Safyr.

  • You can download a trial copy of Safyr from Silwood website here.
  • If you want to connect with SAP, the PC should also have the SAP GUI installed.
  • To extend time and add functionality for the trial period:
    • Go to the Tools/Licensing menu in Safyr.
    • Complete the Apply for a License section.
    • Generate a hardware ID from your machine.
    • Include that information in an email to as requested in the form.
    • Silwood will return a license key which will extend the trial duration, and enable options like export from SAP BW or the ability to export metadata from Safyr using Silwood Premium JSON file export format. This format will be used by Zeenea to ingest the metadata into the data catalog.

Hardware Requirements

Safyr must be installed on a Windows PC.

The Microsoft Windows PC on which Safyr is to be installed should meet the following requirements:

  • A minimum of 8 Gigabytes of RAM.
  • 100 Megabytes of hard disk space for the Safyr Software.
  • Disk space of about 2GB for each Metadata Repository (each repository stores the metadata from 1 instance of a source system).
  • Safyr Repositories can be stored in SQLite (ships with Safyr at no cost. Single user only), Oracle, or SQLServer.
  • The appropriate client connectivity software (e.g., Oracle Net) for connection to the Safyr Repository database and (unless ABAP extraction is to be used for SAP) the Enterprise Application database.
  • Safyr documentation can be downloaded from Silwood website here.

Installing Safyr on Windows

To install Safyr on a Windows PC, follow the instructions in the Safyr Getting Started Guide on Silwood's website.

In order to regularly produce the output files, you also need to configure the scheduled tasks following the instructions described in Safyr Task Automation Guide.

If you are already using Safyr with a license, you can also contact Silwood support for help: