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Follow our Roadmap and Propose Your Ideas

Product Portal

Zeenea gives you access to the Product Portal:

This portal lets you follow the different features we intend to develop and also submit your ideas, which could become our next features!

The Portal has different lists of features, organized under tabs:

These tabs let you see how far a feature is, from "Already there" (RELEASED) to "being considered" (UNDER CONSIDERATION).

Each card represents a feature, with an associated description (and sometimes a graphic illustration).

Vote for a feature

By clicking on a card, you'll open its content. On the lower part of this window, you can share your interest in this feature.

First, select one of the three levels, from "nice to have" to "critical".

Then, fill in a description field to explain why this feature is important to you. Our product managers will take advantage of this information and use it to fine-tune the feature.

The description field, as well as the email field, will only be displayed once you have selected the importance level.

As you provide your email address, we will be able to automatically push notifications as soon as an important event occurs regarding the feature (it can be a status modification like moving from "NEXT" to "IN PROGRESS").

Submit an idea

Each portal provides a way to submit new ideas. A dedicated button is displayed in the upper right corner of the Portal page:

Once clicked, describe as precisely as possible your need or idea.

Thus, our Product Managers should be able to properly understand it and consider if this idea can be associated with a feature (new or existing), or rejected.

Confirm your email

In both cases (submitting your idea or voting for a feature), you'll have to validate the email address.

You'll receive an email containing a link to validate your contribution and return to the portal.

Once back to the portal with the help of the link you received, you'll be able to see the features you are associated with. These features will have a yellow icon in the upper right corner of the card.


How can I know if my idea is taken into account?

Regularly, Product Managers will review all the submitted ideas.

You'll be informed if your idea is rejected. If your idea is considered, it will be linked to a Feature.

Once this feature is ready (meaning, described, validated, ...), it will appear in the Portal and you'll be notified.


Your idea may also be associated with an existing feature already defined but not ready yet. In that case, you won't see anything until this status evolves. But your idea is not lost: you'll be notified as soon as we consider it. So, as a rule of thumb, if you didn't receive any communication one or two weeks after submitting your idea, it means we are considering it, but we can't tell yet when we will work on it.

No need to ask us about its status or when your idea is planned: you'll know this automatically through a notification.

Is there any other way to be notified of new features?

You can sign up for our product update communication from this page: This communication is regularly sent by our Marketing Team. Thus, you'll be sure to never miss an important feature.

How to interact with the Portal as a team?

We recommend using a mailing list instead of individual email addresses. This way, all your contributions will be associated with this address and each time a notification is sent, everybody will receive it. Thus, it will be far easier to share information between team members.

Can I have more information about what's new when a new version of a connector is published?

Yes, but this information is not shown on the Portal, but on the releases page accessible from the Zeenea applications or at this address:

The complete list of connectors is also available on the Zeenea website, in the Connectivity section.

Is the Product Portal a solution developed by Zeenea?

No. Our Product Portal is a commercial solution (ProductBoard) dedicated to Product Management. The available features are not ours, and we depend on ProductBoard's roadmap to propose new improvements.