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Supported Browsers

Zeenea Studio and Explorer applications can run on any computer with an Internet connection and supports the following browsers:

Google Chrome™
Most recent stable version
Zeenea makes every effort to test and support the most recent version of Chrome. There are no configuration recommendations for Chrome.
Mozilla® Firefox®
Most recent stable version
Zeenea makes every effort to test and support the most recent version of Firefox. There are no configuration recommendations for Firefox.
Microsoft® Edge®If you use Edge, we recommend using the latest version that Zeenea supports. Apply all Microsoft software updates.
Apple® Safari®
Versions 11.x and 12.x on Mac OS X
There are no configuration recommendations for Safari.

Recommendations for all browsers:

  • For all browsers, you must enable JavaScript, cookies, and TLS 1.0 at least.

  • We recommend a minimum screen resolution of 1440x900 for the best possible user experience.