Documentation Completion Level
Zeenea offers, using a graphical component, an indicator of the documentation's level of completion at a given moment in time.
This indicator is calculated for each Item and is displayed in the search results and on the Item detailed page.
How the documentation completion level is calculated
The completion level is also calculated for the perimeter of a Curator (i.e. all the Items assigned to it) by Item Type. It can be viewed on the Dashboard.
The calculation of the completion level is based on 4 criteria:
- Is the description filled in?
- Has at least one contact been added?
- Has at least one Glossary Item been linked (this condition is ignored if the metamodel does not support this type of link)?
- Are all the "Standard" and "Important" properties filled in?
- Descriptions from the source are also taken into account in the calculation of the completion level.
- In case of an update of the metamodel (i.e.: a property is removed from the template), the completion level is automatically updated. Please note that it is an asynchronous task that can take several minutes.
- An administrator can define which properties are "Standard" or "Important" in the Catalog Design section. You can find this information in the tooltip on the details page of each Item.