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How Notifications Work

Zeenea Studio offers a notification system that is accessible to the application users.

Types of Notifications Per User

Each time a new notification is received or read, the increment is updated on the pictogram.

The table below lists the different notifications available depending on the user profile.

The notification remains accessible until the user has clicked on it or the Mark all as read link.

Detection of new items by a connectorEvery user with permission to manage Datasets
Detection of orphan items by a connectorEvery user with permission to manage Datasets
Completion of the import of itemsThe user that has launched the job

Actions on Notifications

Clicking on a notification triggers an action to allow the user to process the subject of the notification. The table below summarizes the different actions proposed:

Detection of new itemsOpening the import wizard with the new items preselected
Detection of orphan itemsRedirection to the Catalog section with the following search filters: connection + type and date mentioned in the notification.
Completion of the import of itemsRedirection to the Catalog section with the following search filters: connection + type and date mentioned in the notification.