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Adding an Actian Zen Connection


  • The current Scanner version requires Java 11. Either OpenJDK or Oracle JDK can be installed.
  • It is assumed that the Zeenea Scanner has been successfully downloaded and configured. See Zeenea Scanner Setup.

Step 1: Install the Generic JDBC Connector Plugin

  1. Download the Generic JDBC connector plugin from the Zeenea Connector Downloads, or download directly at
  2. Move the zip file to the [scanner_install_dir]/plugins folder. Do not unzip the archive.

Step 2: Install Actian Zen Drivers

  1. Download Actian Zen Drivers from Actian ESD. Select Actian Zen (PSQL) in the PRODUCT dropdown and select SDKs in the PLATFORM dropdown.

  2. Extract the following four files from the bin folder of the zip file and copy them to the [scanner_install_dir]/lib-ext folder:

    • jpscs.jar
    • pvjdbc2.jar
    • pvjdbc2x.jar
    • pvjdbc2.dll

Step 3: Create the Configuration File

  1. In the [scanner_install_dir]/connections folder, create a new file named zen-psql.conf. (The file can be named as desired, but the file extension must be .conf.)

  2. Copy and modify the content below based on your environment configuration, replacing <HOST-NAME>, <USER>, and <PASSWORD> with the appropriate values for your environment.

    # Customizable values for code and name
    code = "dev-psql-dl"
    name = "psql-dev-dl"

    # Connector ID (do not change)
    connector_id = "generic-jdbc"
    enabled = true

    connection {
    # JDBC URL to connect to the Zen PSQL database
    url = "jdbc:pervasive://<HOST-NAME>:1583/<mydatabase>"
    jdbc_driver_name = "com.pervasive.jdbc.v2.Driver"
    # Authentication details (modify as per environment)
    # Default password is an empty string
    username = "<USER>"
    password = "<PASSWORD>"

Step 4: Verify the Connection

  1. Restart Zeenea Scanner.

  2. In Zeenea Administration, click Connections and verify that the new connection is listed:

  3. If you encounter any issues, review the scanner.log file located in the [scanner_install_dir]/logs folder for troubleshooting guidance. Also refer to Troubleshooting for Scanners and Connections.