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Adding a ZDF Connection


Zeenea Descriptor Format (ZDF) plugin describes a set of three connectors allowing the management of datasets, visualizations and data processes based on declarative files.


These connectors must be used in very specific cases where a traditional connector is not an option. By using a description of the items instead of the discoverability mechanism used by regular connectors, you must ensure that you comply with the assertions that other connectors respect, such as the existence of elements.

Don't hesitate to reach out your Customer Success Manager in case you need more information about these connectors.

Adding a Connection

These three connectors work the same way and share the same configuration parameters.

Plugin Installation

These connectors are available in the zdf-connector-plugin.

It can be downloaded here: Zeenea Connector Downloads.

For more information on how to install a plugin, please refer to the following article: Installing and Configuring Connectors as a Plugin.

Connection Settings

Creating and configuring connectors is done through a dedicated configuration file located in the /connections folder of the relevant scanner.

Read more: Managing Connections

Configuration Templates:

The following links can be used to download configuration templates:

To connect to an instance, the parameters of the connection file must be completed with the following values:

ParameterExpected value
nameThe name that will be displayed to catalog users for this connection.
codeThe unique identifier of the connection on the Zeenea platform. Once registered on the platform, this code must not be modified or the connection will be considered as new and the old one removed from the scanner.
connector_idThe type of connector to be used for the connection. Here, the value must be zdf-dataset, zdf-visualization, or zdf-lineage. Once defined, this value must not be modified.


Boolean (true/false) indicating whether the connection is active or not.

Default value: true


Path to file or folder containing description files.

This value is mandatory if no git repository is declared.

If a git repository is declared, the value can be null or a path relative to the repository root.



URL of the git repository where to read the files.




Branch to clone. By default, HEAD is used.




Authentication Token

Replaces the usage of the username/password parameters.



Git user name. Requires password.



Git user password. Requires username.



Local working folder where the git repository will be cloned.



Boolean (true/false) indicating whether the working folder should be deleted after processing. If deleted, the repository will be cloned at each operation, otherwise only an update will be performed.

Default value: false


This is a Dataset connector.

It operates according to the inventory/import/update cycle. The objects inventoried are Datasets.

Description files are in JSON format. The root is an object containing two attributes.

datasetsList<ZdfDataset>Dataset list
lineageList<ZdfProcess>List of lineage links linked to datasets


This is a Visualization connector.

It operates according to the inventory/import/update cycle. The objects inventoried are the Visualizations.

Description files are in JSON format. The root is an object containing two attributes.

visualizationsList<ZdfVisualization>Visualization list
lineageList<ZdfProcess>List of lineage links between visualizations' internal datasets and external datasets


This is a Data Process connector.

It works with a single synchronization operation.

Description files are in JSON format. The root is an object containing an attribute.

lineageList<ZdfProcess>List of lineage links between the Data Process and its datasets

Description File Discovery

The connector recursively searches all ordinary files with the extension .zeenea starting from the search root. The root can also refer to a single valid file.

If no git repository is declared, the root is specified by the connection.path parameter.

If a git repository is declared, the repository is cloned into the working folder, or updated if the clone is already present. The root folder is the concatenation of the working folder and the connection.path parameter. At the end of processing, if the connection.git.cleandir option is true, the working folder is deleted.

Format Details


Attributes marked "*" are mandatory for Items to be ingested by the platform. If not defined in a file, the Item will be rejected.


Dataset description.


Path identifying the dataset in relation to the connection.

If not specified, the path will be /dataset/. Example: /crm_db/sap/customer.

name*TextDataset name
descriptionTextDataset description
ownerZdfOwnerDataset owner contact
fields*List<ZdfField>Dataset field list
foreignKeysList<ZdfForeignKey>Foreign key list
typeTextSource property type

Source property label.

Note: This is different from the name property.

formatTextSource property format
numberOfRowsTextSource property number of rows
diskUsageTextSource property disk usage
locationTextSource property location
projectTextSource property project
catalogTextSource property catalog
schemaTextSource property schema
databaseTextSource property database
replicationFactorTextSource property replication factor
tagsTextSource property tags
sourceSystemTextSource property source system
originTextSource property origin
creationDateTextSource property creation date
updateDateTextSource property update date
createdByTextSource property created by
updatedByTextSource property updated by
commentsTextSource property comments


A visualization description.


Path identifying the view in the connection.

If not specified, the path will be /report/ (example: /report/sales_evolutions).

name*TextVisualization name
descriptionTextVisualization description
ownerZdfOwnerVisualization owner contact
datasets*List<ZdfDataset>List of the visualization's internal datasets.

Note: these objects represent access to visualization data. They belong to the visualization and cannot be shared. Their lifecycle is the same as that of the visualization to which they are attached.

Shared datasets must be produced in another connection with the zdf-dataset connector.


Process description.


Path identifying the process in relation to the connection.

If not specified, the path will be /transformation/.

Example: /transformation/47ccd226-11e1-11ef-9b10-00155d60aaf0

name*TextProcess name
descriptionTextProcess description
ownerZdfOwnerProcess owner contact
inputsList<ZdfDatasetRef>List of process input dataset references
outputsList<ZdfDatasetRef>List of process output dataset references


A field description.

name*TextField name
descriptionTextField description

Native type of the field.

If unset, the dataType value is used.


Zeenea type of the field.

If unset, the nativeType value is used.

Allowed values are:

  • boolean
  • byte
  • short
  • integer
  • long
  • float
  • double
  • string
  • date
  • timestamp
  • binary
  • struct
  • unknown
isNullableBooleanThe field can be null. Default value false.
isMultivaluedBooleanThe field can contain multiple values. Default value false.
isPrimaryKeyBooleanThe field is part of the primary key. Default value false.
encodingTextSource property encoding
formatTextSource property format
lengthTextSource property length


A link to a dataset.

The link can be represented either with the identification key, or with the connection code and identification path.

One of the attributes identificationKey or path must be filled in.

identificationKeyTextDataset identification key
connectionCodeTextConnection code. Leave blank if this is the current connection. It is possible to use one of the connection aliases.
zeepathTextDataset path


A contact description.

role*TextContact role
email*TextContact email address
firstnameTextContact first name
lastnameTextContact last name


A foreign key description.

dataset*TextPath of the target dataset (the one with the primary key)
sourceFields*ListSource dataset field list
targetFieldsListTarget dataset field list
nameTextForeign key name