Adding a Power BI SaaS Connection
- A user with sufficient permissions is required to establish a connection with PowerBI SaaS.
- Zeenea's scanner traffic flows towards Power BI's instance and Azure must be open. Refer to the following:
The Power BI SaaS plugin can be downloaded here: powerbi.conf)
Supported Versions
The Power BI SaaS connector is compatible with the product online version.
Installing the Plugin
The Power BI SaaS plugin can be downloaded here: Zeenea Connector Downloads
Updating the connector to version 1.7.0 from a previous version requires a data migration for the "Data process" type objects. Please contact customer service to assist you in this migration.
For more information on how to install a plugin, please refer to the following article: Installing and Configuring Connectors as a Plugin.
Declaring the Connection
Creating and configuring connectors is done through a dedicated configuration file located in the /connections
folder of the relevant scanner. The scanner frequently checks for any change and resynchronises automatically.
Read more: Managing Connections
In order to establish a connection with a PowerBI SaaS instance, specifying the following parameters in the dedicated file is required:
Parameter | Expected value |
name | The name that will be displayed to catalog users for this connection. |
code | The unique identifier of the connection on the Zeenea platform. Once registered on the platform, this code must not be modified or the connection will be considered as new and the old one removed from the scanner. |
connector_id | The connector type to use for the connection. Here, the value must be powerbi and this value must not be modified. |
connection.tenant | Tenant's technical identifier |
connection.url | Connection address. Default value . |
connection.oauth.client_id | Application ID (client) as defined in Azure |
connection.oauth.client_secret | Client's secret |
connection.oauth.endpoint | API Scanner endpoint. Must respect following format:\<tenants-technical-identifier>/oauth2/v2.0/token |
dsn.configuration | To define the list of DSNs configured in PowerBI Desktop. Must be filled in to get the lineage to external sources from DSNs. See the template to complete the field. |
cache.path | (Optional) To customize the cache disk storage path. Default value in the scanner cache folder. |
proxy.scheme | Depending on the proxy, http or https |
proxy.hostname | Proxy address |
proxy.port | Proxy port |
proxy.username | Proxy username |
proxy.password | Proxy account password |
path.cache | (Optional) To define a cache custom path. Used to avoid PowerBI API call limits. The connector will store workspace information in a file on disk during inventory. This property must target an existing file on disk. (You can both set an absolute or a relative path, however, relative paths are dependent of the current directory at the scanner launch time. Filter use to keep or not workspaces and reports. Example:
filter | Filter use to keep or not workspaces and reports. Example:
contact.role_filter | Enables you to extract only the contacts that do have a role matching the filter. To achieve this, use the
User Permissions
In order to collect metadata, the running user's permissions must allow them to access and read reports that need cataloging.
The user must be able to do the following:
Get the client identifier and associated secret.
Register an application as a service principal in the Azure environment. To communicate with Power BI, the connector uses the option suggested in paragraph Create a new client secret from the Microsoft documentation.
Add the service principal to Power BI group.
Once the client id and secret are obtained with the necessary rights, the service principal must be added as a user of a security group authorized to browse workspaces. To do so, do the following:
- Create an Azure AD group. See the documentation above to create a group with reading access to all the workspaces. More information on how to create Azure AD Group can be found here:
- Add a service principal to the Azure AD group.
The service principal must not have specific rights (e.g.,
) related to Power BI in the Azure AD configuration as this could generate conflict with security group rights on the Power BI side.
API Scanner Authorization
Documentation about the configuration of this specific access is described here:
Retrieving Page Names from a Report
To retrieve the list of page names from a report, the connector uses the API:
/groups/[workspace ID]/reports/[report ID]/pages
For this service to return the list, the service principal used by the connector must be added as a viewer:
- Go to the Workspace.
- Click on "Manage access" then "Add people".
- Search for the service principal, select "Viewer", then add.
If this action is performed after importing a report, the list of pages will be automatically added to the visualization on its next update.
Rich Filters
Workspaces and Reports
Starting with version 1.11.0 the connector has a rich filter available that enables you to extract only the Workspaces and Reports that do have names matching the filter.
Criteria | Description |
workspace | The name of the Workspace |
report | The name of the Report |
filter = "workspace starts with 'zeenea_' and not report ends with 'test'"
Starting with version 1.9.0 the connector has a rich filter available that enables you to extract only the contacts that do have a role matching the filter.
Criteria | Description |
role | The role name to filter. The values list is available here. |
contact.role_filter = "role in ('Owner', 'Read')"
Read more: Filters
Data Extraction
To extract information, the connector runs successively the following API requests:
: To get the workspaces list excluding personal workspaces. - POST
:- Parameter: Workspaces list (100 workspaces limit)
- Response: Scan identifier
:- Parameter: Scan identifier
- Response: Scan status:
:- Parameter: Scan identifier
- Response: Object with all the metadata of report from scanned workspaces
Collected Metadata
Collects the list of reports accessible by the user.
The Power BI SaaS connector is able to retrieve the lineage between datasets that have been imported to the catalog. Datasets from other connections must have been previously imported to the catalog to be linked to the Power BI SaaS dataset through a new Data Process object. This feature is available for the following systems and, for it to work, an additional parameter is needed in the configuration file of the source system connection as configured in the Power BI SaaS connection configuration panel. For example, if the Power BI dataset comes from a SQL Server table, then a new alias parameter must be added in the SQL Server connection configuration file.
Table summarizing the possible values of the alias
parameter to be completed in the data source configuration file.
Source System | Model | Example |
SQL Server | Server name:port/Database name | alias = [""] * |
BigQuery | BigQuery project identifier | alias = ["zeenea-project"] |
AWS Redshift | Server name:port/Database name | alias = [""] |
AWS Athena | N/A | N/A |
Snowflake | Server name/Database name | alias = ["""] * |
Oracle | Server name:port/Service Name | alias = [""] |
Denodo | Server name:ODBC port | alias = [""] |
The connector creates a data process object for each dataset from Power BI SaaS to represent the link with the source dataset (even if the source dataset is not present in the catalog).
A visualization object is a Power BI report.
- Name
- Source Description
- Contacts
- Technical Data:
- Report WebURL: Link to the report
- Report Type
- Workspace Name
- Application: URL to the PowerBI application which this report is attached
- Source Server Name
- Endorsement
- Certified By
- Created By
- Creation Date
- Modified By
- Modified Date
- Report's page
A dataset is a table included in a dataset PowerBI.
- Name
- Source Description
- Technical Data:
- PowerBI Dataset: Name of the PowerBI dataset
- Power Query
Dataset field or measure.
- Name
- Source Description
- Type
- Can be null: Not supported. Default value
. - Multivalued: Not supported. Default value
. - Primary Key: Not supported. Default value
. - Technical Data:
- Technical Name
- Native type
- DAX Measure
Data Process
To represent the data flow from an external source, a Zeenea Data Process will be created for each Power BI SaaS Dataset.
- Name:
import dataset_name
Object Identification Keys
An identification key is associated with each object in the catalog. In the case of the object being created by a connector, the connector builds it.
More information about unique identification keys in this documentation: Identification Keys.
Object | Identification Key | Description |
Visualization | code/group |
Dataset | code/group |
Field | code/group name |
Data process | code/data process name |